Elizabeth A. Miklavcic - Performance Roles
Plax Attax

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(1990) Plax Attax
Choreographed by Elizabeth A. Miklavcic this work is about the proliferation of plastic bottles. The thumbing of the bottles against the bodies can be equated to the concept of when one beats up mother earth we are in essence beating up ourselves. This performance was for the Brown Bag Concert series on August 20, 1990 at Exchange Place in Salt Lake City, Utah.

(1991) Plax Attax
Choreographed by Elizabeth A. Miklavcic this dance is a comment on the proliferation of plastic bottles. The rhythmic hitting was symbolic of environmental impact. In hindsight this work was about fifteen years ahead of its time. This performance was held at the O.C. Tanner Amphitheater in Springdale, Utah on May 25, 1991.