History - Ted Speaks His Mind (1986)
August 14, 1986 - Dinwoody Park, Salt Lake City, Utah

History | History Text | History Posters | 1986
Ted Speaks His Mind (1986)

Co-Created: Elizabeth A. Miklavcic & Jimmy H. Miklavcic
Choreographer: Elizabeth A. Miklavcic
Guest Choreographer: Tina Karlsson
Music: Collage
Text: Jimmy H. Miklavcic
Costumes: Elizabeth A. Miklavcic
Dancers: Jimmy H. Miklavcic (Ted), Elizabeth A. Miklavcic, Geneva Ann Moss
Obstacle Course Characters: Paul Arner, Rene Arner, Gary Coulliard, Daniel Killpack, Mark Meredith, Roz Newmark, Ann Polinsky
Environmental Characters: John deJong, Wendy Fink, Gerhard L'orange, Robert Pryor, Ann Reeb, Larry Stensrud, Gary Vlasic, Janice Wahleithner
Location: Dinwoody Park, Salt Lake City, Utah
Length: 36:25 minutes
The Ted Speaks His Mind performance of Another Language Performing Arts Company, was a site specific work staged in Dinwoody Park on 100 South between State Street and Main in downtown Salt Lake City, for the Salt Lake Arts Council Brown Bag Concert Series. The central character, Ted, was based loosely on Jimmy Miklavcic's family neighbor in Williamstown, New Jersey. Ted Laslofy would spend many hours in his kitchen playing the slide whistle while listening to polka music. Performing with Jimmy Miklavcic and company member Gigi Ann Moss, Elizabeth choreographed several works which she weaved into the spoken structure of Ted, which was written by Jimmy Miklavcic.

There were many characters that appeared throughout the performance to tackle a creative obstacle course or mingle with the audience. The piece ended with two scuba divers appearing from the fountain, seemingly having lost their way, and walking off, mumbling to each other.

A caveat to this story is that it was 90 degrees in the shade that day and Elizabeth was three months pregnant.