History - Another Language Holds a Conversation (1989)
November 17 - 19, 1989 - Another Language Performance Studio, 345 West Pierpont Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah

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In Some Language - Reprise (1989)

Choreographers: Christopher Murry Ivins, Gunild Pak, Elizabeth & Jimmy Miklavcic
Costuming: The Company
Lighting: Jimmy H. Miklavcic
Dancers: Christopher Murry Ivins, Gunild Pak, Elizabeth & Jimmy Miklavcic
Location: Another Language Studio, 345 West Pierpont Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah
Length: 3:20 minutes
Reprise was jointly choreographed by Gunild Pak, Christopher Murray Ivins, Elizabeth and Jimmy Miklavcic. Movement expressions from each duet were combined and formed into a short conclusion tying together the two duets into a final statement. In Some Language was a dance about relationships and dynamics. Exploring attempts through moments of success, and ultimately failures that reaching out for connection can entail.

In silence the quartet enters into the light, representing a hopeful journey, initially in unison, but almost immediately pair off. The duets within the quartet, keep evolving as different pairs have moments of unison, until all four come back together again. At last noticing the audience, they travel downstage towards the front, revealing their vulnerability as they do. At the last minute though, they turn their backs pausing for a moment before removing their jackets, which are symbolic of protection, peeling off the protective layers, as the lights dim.