Elizabeth A. Miklavcic - Choreographic Works
When The Floor Bounces

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(1986) When The Floor Bounces August Rehearsal
During the choreographic process sketches of original music by Jimmy Miklavcic were tried out on Elizabeth Miklavcic's choreography. This work was created for the Another Language Debut Concert, it was an investigation into the manipulation and interaction between the dancers and the changing environment. Created so that it could be performed in children's concerts.

(1986) When The Floor Bounces September Rehearsal
When the Floor Bounces choreographic structure was completed at this point in time, and the dance was waiting for the final score. Work began on this piece in March of 1986, after much experimentation the structure of this dance was completed. Fine tuning the movement and timing continued until the first performance on September 26, 1986.

(1986) When The Floor Bounces
Choreographed by Elizabeth A. Miklavcic this work was created for the Another Language Debut Concert. It was an investigation into the manipulation and interaction between the dancers and the changing environment. Created so that it could be performed in children's concerts.

(1993) When The Floor Bounces
Re-created for Another Language Performing Arts Company See and Share children's concert, with dancers Jeannine Chan, Chara Huckins and Jane Gregory Payne. Based on clowns or harlequins, this piece is about watching the three dancers come to life and interact in their play room, at the end, the dancing dolls go back to sleep.