History - Brown Bag Concert (1990)
August 20, 1990 - Exchange Place, Salt Lake City, Utah

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The opening improvisation focused on the relationship of the dancers to each other and to the outdoor space - Exchange Place in downtown Salt Lake City. Jimmy plays, No Cling To A Bad Rap an experimental music composition.

A Dog's Breath Comes In Green
Choreographed by Jimmy H. Miklavcic for Elizabeth A. Miklavcic, originally in 1980, A Dog's Breath Comes In Green is a composition designed as a movement collage as if one took a piece of visual art and spliced it together in motion.

Ignorance of Burden
Choreographed by Jimmy and Elizabeth Miklavcic, this duet is about co-dependency and carrying around the weight of another person without even being aware of the burden.

Music For Bubble Biters
Created and conducted by Jimmy H. Miklavcic, Music for Bubble Biters was inspired by watching his baby daughter blow bubbles in the bath tub.

Plax Attax
Choreographed by Elizabeth A. Miklavcic this work is about the proliferation of plastic bottles. The thumbing of the bottles against the bodies can be equated to the concept of when one beats up mother earth we are in essence beating up ourselves.