History - Projects and Partnerships (2011)
Artys Award Celebration - September 15, 2011

History | History Text | History Posters | 2011 | Salt Lake Art Center | Sguardi Sonori-Infinite Spaces | Duel*Ality 1.0 |
Publication | Utah Academy | Daisy Chain | Torino/SLC | Supercomputing | Duel*Ality 1.0 DVD | Awards

Elizabeth and Jimmy Miklavcic at the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art (UMOCA) for the Artys Award Celebration. Every year, the Salt Lake City Weekly acknowledges the artistic community with the Artys awards. This year, Another Langauge Performing Arts Company's Duel*Ality 1.0 was the recipient of a staff award for Best Mixed-Media Performance Art.