History - Projects and Partnerships (2011)
Panel: The Influence of Digital Medial in Contemporary Dance - February 18, 2011

History | History Text | History Posters | 2011 | Salt Lake Art Center | Sguardi Sonori-Infinite Spaces | Duel*Ality 1.0 |
Publication | Utah Academy | Daisy Chain | Torino/SLC | Supercomputing | Duel*Ality 1.0 DVD | Awards

On February 18, 2011 Elizabeth and Jimmy Miklavcic participated on the panel The Influence of Digital Medial in Contemporary Dance with Stephen Brown and Ashley Anderson in conjunction with the Sundance Film Festival's New Frontier Exhibit at the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art (formerly the Salt Lake Art Center). The panel discussion was hosted by Senior Curator of Exhibitions Micol Hebron and Curatorial Assistant Raven Martin.

The panel discussion theme:
Inspired by the use of 3-D video and live-capture technology in OpenEnded Group and Bill T. Jones's After Ghostcatching installation (featured in New Frontier), this panel brings together the leaders of Utah's contemporary dance community to debate the pros and cons of integrating dance and digital technology. If one uses video with dance, does it risk being just another bad music video, or can technology be used to help redefine the medium of dance itself?