InterPlay - Loose Minds in a Box (2005) Telematic, Access Grid Performance
August 3-4, 2005 - ACM/SIGGRAPH Performance Los Angeles, California

InterPlay | Loose Minds in a Box | Poster | Program | Images | Video | DVD

Audience POV
Another Language Performing Arts Company performed InterPlay: Loose Minds in a Box at ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 in Los Angeles August 3 - 4, 2005. This is the Audience POV video. The camera that recorded this live event was set in the risers and covered the full three screen display of the incoming video streams from a variety of locations sent by the participating sites.

Digital Mix
Another Language Performing Arts Company performed InterPlay: Loose Minds in a Box at ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 in Los Angeles August 3 - 4, 2005. This is the Digital Mix video that incorporated the incoming video streams from a variety of locations into a live painting by Jimmy Miklavcic of elements offered by the participating sites.