Sarah's Piano (1992)
Angie Head, Jimmy Miklavcic and
Michael Larkin
By Sarah Hudelson-Stack
Participate in Ghost Town
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about scheduling a presentation
for your organization.
Contact Information
Office: (801) 707-9930
e-mail: info(at)anotherlanguage(dot)org
National Advisory Board
Charles Amirkhanian
Executive Director
Other Minds Festival
San Francisco, CA
Jeff Carpenter
Multimedia Specialist, NCSA
Urbana Champaign, IL
Kent Christensen
New York, NY
Karly Rothenberg
Faculty Member and
Industry Event Coordinator
AMDA College & Conservatory
Sun Valley, CA
Utah Advisory Board
Pauline Blanchard
The Pauline Blanchard Trust
Wayne Bradford
Systems Administrator
University of Utah
Harold Carr
Software Architect
Oracle Corporation
Board of Directors
Kathy Valburg
Another Language President
Ice Skating Director
Sylvia Ring
OR Nurse (Retired)
Jan Abramson
University of Utah
Office of Sponsored Projects
Sponsored Projects Officer
Jimmy Miklavcic
Founding Co-Director
Elizabeth Miklavcic
Founding Co-Director
Another Language Performing Arts Company's Art-of-the-Month was created to publicly feature a variety of visual art expressions created by the directors of Another Language. Exhibiting abstract acrylic to digital paintings, and running the gambit in-between, this gallery exhibition offers the viewer an online gallery experience with a new addition each month. The Art-of-the-Month web program began September 2010, and features a variety of paintings, showing a body of work spanning decades. Extensive visual art galleries are available to supporting members in the Membership area of the website.
It Had This
Buzz (2016)
By Jimmy Miklavcic
Three Unrelated
Short Stories (2016)
By Jimmy Miklavcic
These digital paintings are created on an iPad 2 using ArtStudio version 5.13 software.
Another Language Performing Arts Company, in it's 32nd year, is in a documentary phase and as a result, the newsletter will be coming to you once a year to catch up on the "behind-the-scenes" work of the Company. Engaged in the equivalent of writing a book, we are working on descriptions of the hundreds of concert performances archived in the History section of the website, beginning with the 1986 debut concert As Our Thoughts Escape Us. Some of our choreographers have responded with descriptions about their works that they set on the Company years ago. Check Tina Karlsson's description of Could This Be Part of My Childhood (1986), Sarah Hudelson-Stack's descriptions of Sojourn of the Florid Muses (1991) and Sarah's Piano (1992), and Rosalind Newmark's description of Meadowlark - Lucia (1994).
Restoration began on a photo session from 1988, but was interrupted when the discovery was made that the company’s .mov files no longer displayed. This began a long process of re-encoding the hundreds of videos available in the History section of The repairs involved resizing the videos, making new video poster images and updating the HTML code so that the new MPEG4 videos played for HTML5 supported browsers. The improvements began mid-year of 2016 and continued into the late Spring of 2017. Due to a server security upgrade, code for some image navigation was also broken in 2016. The broken image navigation in the History section of the website was repaired and additional repairs to other sections of continued into the late Spring of 2017. The public level repairs are completed, but the membership level coding repairs still need to be addressed, and work will proceed into 2018.
For this year's newsletter we thought we would reprint an article Elizabeth wrote in 2012, which is still relevant today. Please consider your support of Another Language Performing Arts Company, so that the website publishing can continue.
Elizabeth and Jimmy Miklavcic - Founding Co-Directors
At this point in time, there is an emerging aesthetic surrounding technological artwork that is creating a limitation on an art form that has not yet even found its legs. It is too early to define this art form by putting a box around what it should and should not look like, and what it should and should not do.
The process of artistic development requires the exploration of a variety of emphases and each original work is different from the previous. Each new work, like a rung on a ladder, leads to the next.
The thread that runs through telematic work incorporates a variety of different art forms and artistic skills. Each work is very different from the next, and artists creating in this genre must make a conscious effort not to fall into the technology trap that removes the humanity from the work. Telematics, after all, is about connection.
The exploration of an artistic statement begins with a concept that often shows itself in the middle of working on a previous project. There is a learning curve that one experiences while developing a new work, and usually, the next phase of learning shows itself in the middle of the investigative process as the artist creates the current project.
Is this a rise to the next phase of consciousness? Is it the door opening to the next missing link in one’s awareness? Learning is about filling in the blanks, opening the mind, finding answers and discovering more questions.
Art is a learning experience! It is a tool for exploration and a place of discovery. It takes courage to walk into the unknown. The importance of art is just that.
When one is allowed to explore, growth continues. There are no boxes around the psyche and the perspective of the world is one of possibility, not limitation. When one lives in an “artistic place,” one remains flexible when dealing with life’s challenges. The “artistic place” is like a home, and for the artist, it is coming home. When the painter begins to paint or the choreographer begins to move, the experience is like stepping through a threshold, and there is no place like home.
Art is a place for developing skills and requires the willingness to dig deep in order to problem solve. When one is continuously problem solving, one focuses on finding solutions, not creating more problems.
The artistic personality is a healer, problem solver, broad thinker and a valuable asset to the community at large. A community that supports art, especially art that may not be easily understood, is a healthy community.
Audience members approaching an artistic experience, may want to consider putting themselves in the mind set of not knowing, of incorporating the Zen philosophy of being in the moment, and receiving what is being offered.
When the audience can receive, they become receptive. The concern with right or wrong gives way to transcendence. There is an openness to the creative gift being offered. The insight of the artist is now being transferred to the receiver and that gift can now be accepted.
Currently there is an emphasis on judgment, on results, on data and physical measurements of how art “benefits” the community, especially on a monetary level. The question currently being asked of artists is, How is art stimulating the economy?
This emphasis is stifling and will eventually squeeze artistic expression into a space so tight that no one will be able to move. How does one measure the benefits of art? This has been a judgmental question asked of artists, in their time, for ages, but when one goes to a museum to see a Van Gogh, or listens to a performance of Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana there is an inherent answer, One Knows!
Art benefits the community by fostering creation. Art benefits the community by opening the minds of the people who learn and grow in the place where they choose to live their lives. Art, especially when it is exploring unchartered ground, both for the artist and the audience, creates a ripple effect, which is not easily measured. The ripple effect can take time, sometimes a lot of time before a future generation takes a hold of the ideas, and finally, these ideas enter the mainstream.
Keep in mind that while the current generation is mainstreaming what was once ground breaking – someone in that generation is breaking new ground, developing and discovering another new expression. They have the courage and determination to explore another new genre.
This story has been going on for centuries and will continue, as long as art is allowed to be free and there are audiences and patrons brave enough to take the risk of participating in the unknown.
–By Elizabeth Miklavcic–
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Another Language Performing Arts Company is a non-profit 501(c)(3) arts organization. Part of our mission is to combine different art forms in innovative ways and broaden access to cutting-edge performance art with today's technology. We have been able to pursue this mission with the generous support of our national, state and local granting organizations, and our contributing members
Please help us continue our innovative and ground-breaking work by becoming a contributing member. Simply select the link below and contribute now.
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Digital Images by Elizabeth Miklavcic
Gothic Tears
Fertile Ground
Mother's Butterfly
Under The Boardwalk