November 3-8, 2009

Pictured Left to Right: Curley Green, Frederick Jackson, Linda Moon, Hayward Buchanan, Jimmy H. Miklavcic, Tony Henrichsen |
The Exonerated:
People Productions, based in Salt Lake City, mounted a staged reading of Jessica Blank and Erik Jensen's docudrama, The Exonerated. Directed by William Ferrer and produced by Richard Scharine, six actors sat on wooden stools with music stands holding scripts that reveal the interwoven stories of six former death-row prisoners, all wrongly accused. Behind the actors, five other performers assisted with multiple roles as attorneys, judges, officers and loved ones.
Another Language Performing Arts Company directors were invited to participate in the play's run at the Sorenson Unity Center. Jimmy H. Miklavcic performed the role of Gary Gauger and Elizabeth A. Miklavcic performed the supporting roles of Sandra Cook, Sue Gauger and a Lawyer.