Jimmy H. Miklavcic - Film and Video
On the Verge of Invisibility

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On the Verge of Invisibility (1991)

Performed: Jimmy H. Miklavcic
Videography: Kerry Jensen
Music: Jimmy H. Miklavcic
Location: Art Barn, Salt Lake City, Utah
Length: 6:14 minutes
On the Verge of Invisibility was recorded by Kerry Jensen while Jimmy Miklavcic set up the installation exhibit of the same name in 1982 at the Art Barn in Salt Lake City, Utah. The original installation consisted of several sheets of glass (3' x 4') hanging from the rafters of the upper level. A reel-to-reel tape deck playing the soundtrack for the exhibition, was inserted into the fireplace on the far side of the room. Several pieces of broken glass were placed on the west deck and when the afternoon sun came around, reflected light entered the space, reflecting off the glass sheets. Often times, viewers would come up the stairs, look into the space and say, "There's nothing here." This work was incorporated into the Home Movies and Other Family Secrets concert.