Elizabeth A. Miklavcic - Performance Roles
June 25, 1995 - Utah Arts Festival, Amphitheater Stage - Triad Center, Salt Lake City, Utah

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Photographic Memory (1995)

Choreographers: Elizabeth A. Miklavcic & Jimmy H. Miklavcic
Music: (Video Credits)
Costuming: Elizabeth A. Miklavcic
Lighting: Jimmy H. Miklavcic
Set Design: Elizabeth and Jimmy Miklavcic
Set Construction: Jimmy H. Miklavcic
Dancers: Elizabeth A. Miklavcic & Jimmy H. Miklavcic
Location: Utah Arts Festival, Amphitheater Stage - Triad Center, Salt Lake City, Utah
Length: 10:49 minutes
Inspired by the title of a poem by William Butler Yeats, To A Wealthy Man Who Promised A Second Subscription To The Dublin Municipal Gallery If It Were Proved The People Wanted Pictures, from the book Responsibilities: Poems and a Play.

(More Information In Process)