History - Another Language In Concert (1992) - Behind-The-Scenes
March 12, 1992 - Another Language Performance Studio, 345 West Pierpont Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah

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Close-Ups Menu
The President's Resignation - Close-Ups (1992)

Created by: Jon Scoville
Text: Mark Strand
Lighting: Jimmy H. Miklavcic
President: Jimmy H. Miklavcic
Cabinet: Angie Head, Chara Huckins, Sarah Hudelson, Eleni Kambouris, Michael Larkin, Julie Preston
Location: Another Language Performance Studio, 345 West Pierpont Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah
Length: 9:16 minutes
The audio chip on the Company's 8mm Cannon L1 was malfunctioning, which is why the thumping sound exists on the audio track.

(Further Information In Process)