History - Projects (2022)
Quivering Lip

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2022 Quivering Lip CD Another Language Performing Arts Company

Published in 2022, the musical project Quivering Lip created by Founding Co-Directors Elizabeth and Jimmy Miklavcic became available. Originally recorded in 2012, this CD features 12 musical works of art, and the completion of this CD marks a project ten years in the making. The Quivering Lip CD is available as a new membership incentive for supporters of Another Language Performing Arts Company.

Track Listing
1. Faking Confusion
2. Speech, Speechless
3. Hidden Words
4. Laugh A Moon
5. School
6. Standing Still
7. My Name is Bill
8. Man On Demand
9. I Stepped On Giraffe
10. Schwoop
11. Sitting In The Trunk
12. Wild And Special